Monday, February 21, 2005


It is no secret that we are admirers of Joel Furhman, M.D. His book, "Fasting and Eating For Health" is a God send to anyone looking for a natural cure and good health. It is well written, well documented and well.....just great!

Now, he has come up with an equally brilliant way to lose weight and get and stay healthy----that actually works! Yes, you heard us, a diet book that works! We don't sell this book and we don't make a dime for promoting it. We just want to share it.

Obesity is the number one health problem in America, if you don't count conventional medicine.

"Eat To Live" is a book whose time has come. Little, Brown and Company 2003. Get it. Read it. Practice it. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 17, 2005


So what about my computer's health? Where can I find a doctor to fix what ails my little furless friend? Well, Leo Laporte is the guy. His site is crammed with practical tips for the novice as well as the afficinado, (did we spell that right?). Even some free stuff!

His radio show is very helpful too. Check his site for times and stations etc. See, we're not just another pretty blog. Computers need love too.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Goal Setting For Success

Now for some positive input. Goal setting is an art and a science. This is some great info for the start of 2005 or anytime for that matter. This applies not only to health and fitness but any important goals we might have. A little refresher course never hurt anyone, except a procrastinator ofcourse.

"For some people, implementing the dietary recommendations that result in optimal functioning and contribute to the foundation for physical, emotional, relational and spiritual height is easy, natural and a non-issue. For the rest of us, it seems next to impossible!"

Full article:

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Just in time; Dr. Fuhrman, who has written what we consider to be, some of the best books on nutrition that ever he has a website. You can even ask questions! Bookmark it. Also, get his books and read them, (we like Fasting and Eating For Health). They could save your life and help get you back to perfect health!