Friday, November 26, 2004



This is currently being used more on race horses than humans but there is no reason why it cannot be applied to us people too. Why should horses have all the fun, not to mention all the healing? Go read this great article by a physicist that knows his stuff and see why this is the future of medicine---if we are lucky.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


This is a quote from a Forbes article that should be read;

"The survey is the first broad assessment of public perceptions of quality since the IOM, the nation's independent scientific adviser on health matters, issued its watershed 1999 report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. That report concluded that hospital-based medical errors, if considered a cause of death in America, would rank as the nation's eighth leading killer overall. At least 44,000 people and as many as 98,000 die in hospitals each year due to preventable medical errors, the report concluded."

Full story at Forbes:
Also, this is very interesting:

A University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing study provides the first detailed description of the nature and prevalence of errors by hospital staff nurses.

This nothing new. In fact, the "Death of Medicine" is a much more inclusive and accurate study we believe, (you can easily Google this title).
There are alternatives to allopathic medicine. Some would say we are in the dark ages of medicine because so many effective cures have been suppressed by the vested, established interests of the current paradigm. Some are right. Medicine as most people know it is in the dark ages. You can find some very good alternative and complementary approaches under energy medicine CAM;

Energy Medicine: A very good overall article

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Breast Implant Dangers

We may start seeing commercials on TV for breast implants soon. How decadent have we become? We give anti-depressants to children. That is how decadent. But that will be another story. Right now, little girls are opting for another dangerous procedure. Check out the dangers in this article:

Surgical Risks:

Possible complications of general anesthesia, as well as nausea, vomiting and fever Infection Hematoma (collection of blood that may cause swelling, pain and bruising, perhaps requiring surgical draining) Hemorrhage (abnormal bleeding) Thrombosis (abnormal clotting) Skin necrosis -- skin tissue death resulting from insufficient blood flow to the skin. The chance of skin necrosis may be increased by radiation treatments, cortisone-like drugs, an implant too large for the available space, or smoking.Implant Risks:

Autoimmune diseases Capsular contracture (hardening of the breast due to scar tissue) Leak or rupture -- silicone implants may leak or rupture slowly, releasing silicone gel into surrounding tissue; saline implants may rupture suddenly and deflate, usually requiring immediate removal or replacement Temporary or permanent change or loss of sensation in the nipple or breast tissue Formation of calcium deposits in surrounding tissue, possibly causing pain and hardening Shifting from the original placement, giving the breast an unnatural look Interference with mammography readings, possibly delaying breast cancer detection by "hiding" a suspicious lesion."

See Full Article:

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


We think it is time for some postive news. Here are some tidbits we have picked up over the last few weeks that can signifcantly improve your health. They help dispel some of the myths and disinformation spread by the vested interests on the allopathic and big drug company side of the medical equation. More to come.

Pass Me The Licorice

Licorice is useful for the treatment of inflamed mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and for oral, gastric, and duodenal ulcers. The flavonoids in its root are thought to be responsible for its anti-ulcer activity. The substance licorione protects against stomach ulcers by lowering the acidity of the stomach and inhibiting gastric secretions.

The Benefits of High Cholesterol

Many studies have found that low cholesterol is in certain respects worse than high cholesterol. For instance, in 19 large studies of more than 68,000 deaths, reviewed by Professor David R. Jacobs and his co-workers from the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, low cholesterol predicted an increased risk of dying from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.3

Vitamin E Boosts Body’s Defense System

Researchers working for
DSM Nutritional Products (DNP) have discovered that dietary vitamin E significantly stimulates the hepatic (liver) production of glutathione, which is the body’s major line of defence against free radicals and potentially harmful agents and metabolites.

Zinc Therapy Accelerates The Recovery From Pneumonia

The results showed that of the children who received zinc had a shorter duration of severe pneumonia symptoms and signs compared to children who received the placebo. These included indrawing of the chest when breathing, severely raised respiration rates and low oxygen concentration in the blood. Zinc therapy also reduced the duration of severe pneumonia and overall hospital stay by an average of one day.

Lack of Vitamin C Linked To Respiratory Disorders

A study has found that vitamin C may prevent symptoms associated with airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The findings were published in the March 2, 2004, issue of the Proceedings of the [U.S.] National Academy of Sciences.

Reduced Risk of Alzheimer Disease in Users of Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements

Use of vitamin E and vitamin C supplements in combination is associated with reduced prevalence and incidence of AD. Antioxidant supplements merit further study as agents for the primary prevention of AD.

Anti-Cancer Benefits of Onions

According to a new study by Cornell University food scientists, led by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of food science, shallots, Western Yellow, New York Bold and Northern Red onions are higher in anti-cancer chemicals than other varieties tested. Furthermore, Liu found that shallots and Western Yellow and New York Bold onion varieties are particularly effective against liver cancer cells, while New York Bold and Western Yellow varieties have the greatest effect on colon cancer cells.

Calcification in coronary artery disease can be reversed by EDTA-tetracycline long-term chemotherapy.

Mayo Clinic research shows stroke rehabilitation best served by physical training

Research by an international team of scientists led by a Mayo Clinic physician provides evidence that physical training is the optimal treatment for stroke survivors' impaired movement and thinking -- not treatment with stimulants known as amphetamines, as has commonly been thought.