Friday, February 22, 2008


Can there be too many warnings about vaccination? We don’t think so. There is so much mis-information on the air waves and print media coming from well intentioned doctors who believe whatever they are told by ‘trusted sources”, that we have to pitch in our two cents. These so called trusted sources are vested interests, or, as is too common these days, simply media parrots that are only good for repeating what they are told with no interference from their frontal lobes.

If you are contemplating getting a flu shot or perhaps having your daughter get one of those “cancer prevention” shots, or getting any kind of vaccnine, etc., you need to read this article by Dr. Blaylock, an MD and neuroscientist. Then read the brief but cogent article by physicist Gary Wade and the other referenced material. If you still can get anywhere near an injection needle then you are either a junkie or you just like to gamble. From
How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., CCN

Vaccination and Brain Inflammation
“A great number of studies have shown that when you vaccinate an animal, the body’s inflammatory cytokines not only increase dramatically, but so do the brain’s inflammatory chemicals. The brain has its own immune system that is intimately connected to the body’s immune system. The main immune cell in the brain is called a microglia. Normally, these brain cells are lying throughout the brain in a resting state (called ramified). Once activated, they can move around, traveling between brain cells like amoeba (called amoeboid microglia).
In the resting state, they release chemicals that support the growth and protection of brain cells and their connections (dendrites and synapses). But when activated, they secrete a number of very harmful chemicals, including inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, complement, free radicals, lipid peroxidation products, and two excitotoxins -- glutamate and quinolinic acid.
In essence, these brain immune cells are out to kill invaders, since the body’s immune system sent an emergency message that an invasion had occurred. With most infections, this phase of activation last no more than a few days to two weeks, during which time the immune system successfully kills off the invaders. Once that is accomplished, the immune system shuts down to allow things to cool off and the brain to repair what damage was done by its own immune system.
What researchers knew was that during this period of activation, people generally feel bad and that what they experience closely resembles depression -- a condition called “sickness behavior”. Most of us have experience this when suffering from a viral illness -- such things as restlessness, irritability, a need to get away from people, trouble sleeping, fatigue and difficulty thinking.
Studies have shown that there are two phases to this “sickness behavior”; one in which we have the flu-like symptoms and a later onset of depression-like symptoms that can last awhile. They have also shown that all of these symptoms are due to high levels of inflammatory cytokines in the brain, which come from activated microglia.
A number of studies have also shown that after age 50, people have exaggerated and prolonged “sickness behavior”, much more so than younger people. This is one of the reasons why many elderly hang onto flu symptoms for months after exposure.
There is also another immune phenomenon that plays a major role in vaccine-related brain injury……..”
There is much more.

If you really want to know the facts, please do yourself a favor and read Gary Wade’s well researched article: