If you really want to help the victims of Katrina, send money to the Salvation Army not the Red Cross. (see below)
Did you know that the CEO of the Salvation Army only makes $13,000.00 per year!
Can you guess how much the head of the Red Cross makes?
Top Person: Marsha EvansTop Salary:* $651,957 !!!!!!!
Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/finance/lists/14/2004/LIR.jhtml?passListId=14&passYear=2004&passListType=Misc&datatype=Misc&uniqueId=CH0013
Send your dough to the SALVATION ARMY. We know they get it there.
Red Cross Revenue:
Total Revenue FY ending 6/2003: $2,946,000,000"
Source: Courtesy of Chris Gupta---More......
Just like days of old when all were duped into thinking that the kings where above others but finally when challenged to prove that they indeed were better than others they could not do it.In this gloomy picture there yet may be glimmer of hope - naturally you will not hear much about this if at all...."...One charity has stayed above all this for 137 years. The Salvation Army is unique among all U.S. charities for many reasons. Let’s start at the top. Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary just $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 Billion dollar organization. By comparison, Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary (plus numerous expensive benefits) and the Red Cross President Marsha Evans receives $450,000 (the article was written in 2002 a wapping 50% increase in 1 year??) plus benefits..." Full article: A Trusted Charity
Even back in the Korean War according to a dear friend who was there and serving with the army medics, everyone knew the Red Cross was very inferior in actually helping people compared to the Salvation Army. If you want to help, send them a check at Salvation Army.
How You Can Help Hurricane Katrina Victims
Because time is of the essence and the need is great, you're no doubt wondering which organization can do the most good with your money. After doing some investigating of my own (prompted by the World Trade Center disaster), I've found the Salvation Army to be the most effective charitable organization in this country.
Dr Mercola